Saturday, March 31, 2012

Slice of Life Day 31

When we reach March 31st I can't help but think of my dad because it is his birthday...his 92nd today.  His birthday always marked springtime, with my mom's following a month later.  We are celebrating today a life that has been a long and winding road.  He was born in 1920 and grew up in poverty.  His dad was a milkman with a horse and wagon delivery system, so cool! His mom was the heart of his life, I think he still misses her every day.   My dad was the oldest in a large family so from the time he was 12 he had to work odd jobs to help out.  His stories of the Great Depression bring it to life.  Then he was in the CCC in northern Wisconsin and met all kinds of interesting people.  Even though he was a bit older than the average soldier he went to England in WW II and witnessed the end of the war and the concentration camps.  He came home and became a policeman and married my mom and had 6 children.  Many people thought he was my youngest brother's grandpa.  But today...he looks 72, not 92.  He still rides his exercise bike every day and roots for his beloved Cubs.  Happy birthday Dad.  So glad to take this journey with you through all the ups and downs of life.


  1. A sweet dedication to the life of your father. Such a long and wonderful life! Congrats on finishing the marathon month of March slicing!

  2. What a special tribute to your dad! Don't you only wish he had a blog to record everything he has been through in his life. Maybe have him start talking and sharing . . . you continue writing! Happy birthday to your dad - wow 92! So awesome!

  3. What a sweet slice of life. I've always been a sucker for someone who can talk about history because he lived it. What a wonderful asset to your family. Happy Birthday Dad!
