Sunday, March 4, 2012

Slice of Life Day 4

A few people that commented on my blog had some questions for me so I thought I would write the answers as my post today:
  One of my students wrote about the lively kickball game they had just played at recess.  The game did not go well, so it will be interesting to hear his version!
  I am going to ask them to share their favorite piece from last week after we write tomorrow.  I would not have thought of that, so I appreciate the suggestion.
  We come in from recess at 9:30 and begin the Language Arts block.  I put all of their binders in a central location and they pick them up as they come in, sit down and start writing.  So far they have been really into it.  We usually do small group reading at that time, but this past week I  held off until a few of them were done writing, I really didn't want to break the flow.
  I should also mention that they are amazingly great kids.  It has been a wonderful year of learning.

1 comment:

  1. It is so rewarding to see their stamina grow and read their great ideas, isn't it? I love to read about classrooms where learning is joyful. :)
